” You will learn at your own expence that in the long stretch of life you will encounter many masks and few faces”.

Who is Rossano Ferrari
Rossano Ferrari was born in Modena in 1970. Always fascinated by art, he attended courses in drawings, painting and collaborated with a famous faschion company in his city. Until the appeal of the art led him to take his artistic and professional path, the stages of which are marked by numerous successes since the beginning, when he was not even thirty years old.
The theme of the mask, beloved by the artist and recognizable by its strong allegorical and futurist imprint, insist on the rapresentation of contradictory ideals, but conceptually traceable to this archetype.
Ferrari with a clear pictorial sign organizes different “narrative” elements through unmistakable physiomies interwined with dreamlike substrates and dazzling contemporary language.
He is currently back in his loved Modena, after a decade of american life spent between Miami, where he resides, and New York.
His return to Modena in 2011 was celebrated by the Modenart Gallery with a solo exhibition (from the artibune wbsite).
Works and curiosities
Not yet thirty years old Rossano begins to partecipate in contemporary art competitions, where the theme of the mask never abandoned him.
In 2001 the artist won the first edition of “Art Oscar” and critics and the press began to take an interest in his artistic production.
The painter emerges progressivelyfor content and originalityuntil his exhibition in Miami where he begun to be appreciatedeven in foreign land (noteworthy the work that he will donate to the Italian Consulate rapresentative with masks and faces interwined).
Some of his works become part of the permanent cpollection of the W.E.A.M. (World Erotic Art Museum) close to masterpieces by Dalì, Masson, Mirò, Piacasso.

The meeting with the Pope
In 2008 the artist donated his works to the Pope that become part of the collection of the Vatican Museums. Rossano declares that this was one of the most exciting encounters of his life because he spoke to the Pontiff about the inspiration exercised by his mother (the painting rapresents a Madonna that is precisely the transfiguartion of the artist’s mother).
You go into Space
Another curiosity: in 2017 his work “Venus in the Sky” entered history as the first painted canvas to go into space. In fact, a famous Moscow cosmonaut brought his work to the orbiting station ISS (from the blog “Space Gallery”).
From San Marino to Japan
Rossano considers San Marino his second home, in fact he spends some time in the art hotel idesgn, to which is very fond, where he not only exhibits but also introduces his paintings. In fact, along the corridors in some rooms you can admire his masterpieces and it is not uncommon to meet him at work.
His works serve as a bridge to Japan, a country the artist loves, to which he dedicated an exhibition in 2016 during the first Japanese International Festival “Nippon Matsuri” in San Marino (his work “Red Knight” become the name of a prized San Marino wine exported to Japan).